NY-13: Papes to Fossella: Scram!

Well, it looks like Vito Fossella isn’t going to be receiving the David Vitter treatment anytime soon.

From the Staten Island Advance:

Vito Fossella’s well-deserved shame at being arrested for driving while intoxicated last week evolved rapidly in the interim into abject disgrace.

Because of that moral descent, and the distractions and ugly controversy all of it brings, he should resign from his seat in the House of Representatives.

And he should do so immediately.

Far too much damage has been done to his personal reputation and credibility at this point for him to recover and be an effective public servant.

And there is too much potential for pointless and endlessly embarrassing digressions into this scandal if he chooses to stay in public life.

The New York Post:

That Fossella betrayed his wife and family is between him and them. But his betrayal of his constituents was only marginally less egregious.

Vito Fossella needs to just go away.


The New York Daily News:

The facts are the facts. Fossella has admitted he was plastered. According to prosecutors, the law calls for a mandatory five days behind bars. It’s time for Fossella to be fully accountable.

Get thee to jail, congressman.

(Big hat-tip to Phillip)

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